Thursday, July 31, 2014

Stuffed Pork Chops

 How yummy!!
Happy National Cotton Candy Day!
We celebrate with Schwan's once again.
These were purchased for Johnie's granddaughters. 
I'm glad they like them because they are way too sweet for me.
 Yesterday for lunch I made myself a stuffed tomato.
Yes, my own creation.
If you want the recipe you can click here.
You will have to go there anyway to get the stuffing recipe
for these awesome stuffed pork chops.
 How many of you like The Laughing Cow cheese spreads?
This ingredient is part of the stuffing mix.
One thing that really amazes me about these little
cheese spreads is, that tiny red tab that you pull to open them.
They open perfect every time.
Is there any way a person can screw up opening the little triangles?
I don't think it's possible.
 I stuffed my pork chops with the stuffing mix I created for the tomato.
And then I topped them with mozzarella cheese.
(Note to ya'all: Save the cheese for the last ten minutes)
You will see why as you scroll.
 The cheese got dark and crunchy while they were baking.
To create a pork chop ready for stuffing all I do 
is purchase a pork loin. 
I slice nice thick pork chops. 
Some for grilling, baking, and for stuffing.
Wrap them up in freezer bags and they are always on hand.
To stuff a pork chop all you have to do is slice (standing them on their side) 
the thick cut ones down the middle.
Be careful not to cut through the ends and the bottom.
They will kind of resemble the slit in a baked potato.
You just want a slit big enough to place the stuffing in.
I have often stuffed these with Stove Top Stuffing too.
But don't forget about the cheese.....
place it on the last ten minutes.
I baked them in a 350 degree oven for about an hour.
Back to the stuffed tomatoes.....
I ate one half for brunch, which left the other half plated for Johnie to try.
This is what his plate looked like when he got home from work.
And he ate the tomato without heating it.
It was a very nice outside eating dinner.

See ya'all soon......


  1. That is comfort food. Looks good.
    Spatulas On Parade

    1. It was very good. Just a little upset about the cheese issue....


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