Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Rice Krispies Reese's Fudge

 No-bake Reese's Fudge?
I think a slice of heaven just came through my Facebook feed.
The inspiration for this recipe came from Six Sisters' Stuff.
Give them a visit.
They have lots of great recipes.
 As I was studying this recipe,
and I like to put my own personal spin on things,
I thought,
what would happen if I brought the best of both worlds together?
 The best of both worlds is,
Rice Krispies Treats
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
In my world anyway.
 So this is what I did:
I prepared the Rice Krispies Treats as box directed.
I split the finished treats in half.
Half went into the bottom of my foil lined, and greased 8X8 pan.
The other half went into a small glass, and greased pan.
We wiped them out just minutes after they were set.
But let's get back to the fudge.....
Next I placed 16 15 Reese's Cups on top of the Rice Krispies Treats in the 8X8 pan.
Why did I have 15 instead of 16?
Because my grandson swiped one while I was busy with my back turned.
He knows what he's doing, right?
I took 5 Reese's cups and broke them into pieces to be placed on top of the fudge.
Place 3 c. milk chocolate chips in a sauce pan.
Add 1 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk and melt on low heat.
When everything is melted together pour on top of the Reese's Cups in the 8X8 pan.
Spread until evenly distributed. 
Take the pieces of broken Reese's cups and sprinkle on top.
Kind of press them down in the fudge so they stick.
I left the whole thing set to room temperature, and then placed in fridge 
for a couple hours.
When I was ready to cut it into squares I lifted the foil out of the pan.
Makes for a no mess cutting surface.
This is probably one of the best fudge recipes I have ever had.
And I am not a huge fudge fan.
But I know our kiddos' and grand kids will love it.

See ya'all soon!

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